Experimental Petrology
Welcome to the University of Arizona’s Experimental Petrology group! Our team, led by Prof. Ananya Mallik, investigates how the interactions between the interior and surface of the Earth and planetary bodies evolve the chemistry and dynamics of these reservoirs. We primarily use high pressure-temperature equipment to simulate conditions in the interior of planets.
Our group seeks a postdoctoral researcher to work broadly on early lunar differentiation processes primarily using high pressure-temperature experiments. The specific research project is somewhat flexible, and the successful candidate may have the opportunity to develop their own research ideas leveraging the available intellectual expertise and analytical infrastructure. Experience in lunar science, and/or experimental petrology, and/or thermodynamic modeling is preferred but not mandatory. Funding is available for two years and year-to-year renewal is subject to satisfactory performance. The position start date is negotiable but ideally within Spring 2025. The position will remain open until filled but full consideration will be given to applicants who apply by September 30, 2024. Please apply here.
Our group is always seeking motivated PhD students - please reach out to mallika (at) arizona.edu, if interested.
Contact Us
University of Arizona
Department of Geosciences
1040 E. 4th Street
Gould-Simpson Building
Tucson, AZ 85721
mallika (at) arizona.edu